News Blog

Inaugural TKAT East primary regional conference

Posted on: 5th Sep 2022

There was an exciting and thought provoking inaugural regional conference to mark the start the academic year for staff from Pluckley and TKAT Thanet schools (Dame Janet, Drapers Mills, Newlands, Northdown and Salmestone).

Attendees were taken on an emotional rollercoaster of a journey with SIr John Jones, who is a well known international speaker. He engaged the audience to consider 'Why' we do what we do, our ability to be 'Magic Weavers' and 'possibility thinkers', building and holding our pupils belief in themselves, the importance of starting with the heart of our pupils everyday, building relationships, and resolutely understanding the difference we make every day! There was laughter and at times not a dry eye in the room! Delegates agreed that he is the most passionate and inspirational speaker they had ever heard.

This was followed by excellent sessions from SAPERE looking at the difference Philosophy for Children can make to the learning, thinking and wellbeing of our pupils. This was delivered through sessions for different phases and the subjects of Numeracy, Literacy, Science, Geography and RE.

It was a fantastic way to start the new term.

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